Friday March 29 from 2:00-8:00 PM
Village Centre Art School - 756 Walker Road, Suite C

In this one day workshop, students learn to combine the knowledge of the planes of the head and understanding of color to build a convincing three-dimensional, long study portrait. In a series of steps, students build the portrait from open grisaille to duotone to full color paint application in the 23 pigment studio Incamminati palette.
We will be using both palette knives and brushes. This approach leads to symmetry and correctly lining up the features in perspective. The layering of wet into wet technique will be emphasized, along with the mixing of strings into the five basic value scale. Light key will be explored in a cool, neutral artificial light situation on the model. We will address the basic concepts of mass, the planes of the head and features, anatomy, how the geometric planes relate to the organic anatomy, merging the planar and the organic, flesh tones in light and shadow, approaching hair and highlights, and finally, the unusual angle.
Command of the drawing skill and proficiency in the handling of oil paint is recommended. Model fees separate. Please contact Michela Mansuino for supply list at